
Ockham nexus
Ockham nexus

But could it also be true that many owner/managers handle things in an oblique and inefficient way, spending money and energy in the wrong places? For instance, is it possible that we could actually pay our people more and charge our customers less if the costs of doing business were spread out a little differently, if we were more efficient in attacking the real problems? Yes, of course, service rates are a major influence. TAS and telemessaging is a commodity and, although quality is important, in the end, success is a function of price.” Here’s the classic industry excuse for offering meager pay scales (which certainly doesn’t help employee retention) “This is a cut-throat, hyper-competitive, low-service-rate industry and we just can’t pay a decent wage. This owner says the largest problem is the mandated increase in the minimum wage! Another owner has a well thought-out, documented punishment procedure for giving people time off from work for non-performance or “bad attitude”. Another owner has indicated to me that staff turnover is not the largest problem in their service (although it is the number two problem). I know of a service in which the owner says “we always have someone in training.” This is a relatively small service. Okay, why is there such turnover? Among ourselves, why are we constantly trading tips and secrets in an attempt t o stem the tide of constant turnover and training? Why do we agonize over this issue? Why do we endlessly berate ourselves, and the telecom industry in general, for this predicament? According to Sir Ockham, the solution will be simple.

ockham nexus ockham nexus

We need a philosophy and a system that naturally produces a long-term, high-quality staff. Instead, it’s the owner/manager’s inability to address real problems and needs and then produce a system that works over the long haul. It’s my personal perception that it’s not unqualified people or poor training that is the problem. In our industry, it’s an accepted fact of life that secretaries come and go too rapidly. Employee turnover and training are the major topics in our get-togethers, both in general sessions at association meetings and in one-on-one discussions between owners. What do telemessaging and call center owners and managers want from their telephone secretaries? The short list includes high quality performance and long-term service (needless to say, we would also do just about anything for cheerful and constructive attitudes). It states that entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity, or that one should choose the simplest explanation, the one requiring the fewest assumptions and principles. When brain waves were averaged separately for two nonoverlapping groups of subjects, one for prototypes and the other for test samples, we were able to recognize correctly 90% of the brain waves generated by 48 different sentences about European geography.Ockham’s Razor is a principle, attributed to the 14th-century English philosopher William of Ockham. The most significant finding was the following. In all three experiments, averaging over subjects improved the recognition rates.

ockham nexus

A least-squares criterion of fit between prototypes and test samples was used for classification. As in our earlier work, the analysis consisted of averaging over trials to create prototypes and test samples, to both of which Fourier transforms were applied, followed by filtering and an inverse transformation to the time domain. The other was to study the invariance of brain waves between subjects. One was to test how well we could recognize which sentence, from a set of 24 or 48 sentences, was being processed in the cortex. In three experiments, electric brain waves of 19 subjects were recorded under several different experimental conditions for two purposes.

Ockham nexus