his is larger than most comparable printers which are usually limited to less than or equal to 15cm. The Cetus may have a small footprint but it boasts a large build volume for its size of 18cm x 18cm x 18cm. The Y-axis is carefully calibrated in the factory, so users can start printing right out of the box, and there is no need to level the machine before getting to work! Therefore the build surface is flat and parallel along the whole length of the X-axis. The build platform is also fixed onto the linear guide directly, there are no moving parts between the slider and the build plate. This ensures a perfectly flat build surface. The build plate is also made from a 3mm aluminum plate.
The Axis feature high quality, self lubricating, linear rails that will give you hours of maintenance free high precision 3D printing. The body is made from extruded aluminium. The Cetus is composed from 6 easy to assemble modules. Why the Cetus? Minimalist, easy to assemble design with high quality components You get a fun, entry level, 3D printer which is extremely versatile, with a high build qualityand that famous Tiertime reliability. This is not like other kits you will see as it is composed of high quality, Tiertime, components.

The Cetus by Tiertime is an elegant 3D printer building kit, made up of 6 easy to assemble modules that once built produces a simple yet high quality desktop 3D printer.